الوظائف لدى IMPACT46

نبحث عن أفراد متحمسين، يتبنون روح ريادة الأعمال وعلى استعداد للارتقاء بمنظومة الاستثمار والاستمتاع ببيئات عمل سريعة وتعاونية. الفرص المتاحة:

The role of Human Capital Lead at IMAPCT46 is essential for supporting the company and its day to day operations. The candidate for this position is expected to possess multiple skills; analytical skills, time management, written and verbal communication, stakeholder management, and reporting skills. The role of Human Capital Associate is a senior role within the organization and requires from 5 to 7 years of relevant experience. The role is a focal point between management and employees.