The high dependency on technology on both professional and personal levels have resulted in an innovational and development growth in multiple verticals within the technology sector. The sector now represents a huge part of the economy, reaching a value of $5.2 trillion in 2020, marking the greatest potential for technology to grow in the future.
Investments in technology is constantly proving its value and importance of including it as part of your investment portfolio. In this article we’re mentioning three pioneer tech companies that has achieved a huge growth within a few years of their operation as examples of investments in technology.
Apple technology company set a record in its share value after its second-quarter of 2020 earnings report, as the market value reached more than $2 trillion. The diversification of Apple products and services such as (Apple Music, Apple TV, etc) have helped increase the company’s sales rate.

Tesla, the first company in the automotive industry that introduced technology within the sector. Today, Tesla’s market value is $389.79 billion, representing tens of billions more than the market value of 3 giant companies in the automotive industry combined.
Tesla stock #TSLA movement over the past 5 years demonstrates how the use of technology in various industries creates value and differentiate products.

The tech company Zoom was founded in 2011, and by 2017 reached its valuation of one billion dollars within 6 years of operation. The platform has seen its revenue spike as of the second-quarter of 2020 marking 45% increase in consumer usage, compared to the same period in 2019.
Zoom is now an example among the 20 most valuable American technology companies. Although it’s been less than two years since #ZM was publicly offered in NASDAQ, its market value has exceeded that of IBM technology company.